2025 WUMFA Annual Convention Exhibitor Form

$ 0.00

Step 1 of 2

  • To register for a booth, simply fill out the contract on this form

    If you have questions contact Rod at (517) 253-7730 or email: rod@greatlakesfloralassociation.org

    All booths are 10’ wide by 8’ deep and include an 8’ tall back wall and 3’ tall sidewalls.
    All booths are separated by black pipe and drape.

  • 2025 WUMFA Annual Convention
    “Back to the Future”
    March 21 - 23, 2025
    Oneida Hotel & Conference Center Green Bay, WI

  • The Wisconsin & Upper Michigan Florists Association (WUMFA) hereby leases to:
  • 1st Choice2nd Choice3rd Choice
  • 8' table in your booth
  • BOOTH PRICES for Exhibitors Only:
    *Booths are included in Sponsorship Packages, see below for Sponsorship opportunities.
    $495 WUMFA MEMBER (8’ x 10’)
    $595 NON-MEMBER (8’ x 10’)
    If cancellation of WUMFA Trade Show space(s) is received by: January 17, 2025 - Advance payments will be refunded less a
    15% administration fee based on the total reserved space. After January 17, 2025 - NO REFUND unless WUMFA can resell the space(s).
    If resold, a 50% refund will be paid on the resold portion

    SIGNS: Exhibitors will receive a sign with company name (as stated above) and booth number.

  • List the product or service that you will feature in your booth(s).
  • NAME BADGES: List the names of the individuals who will be working in the exhibit area. Two weekend passes included per booth. Additional Full Convention weekend passes are available at $99 each. Saturday Night Banquet tickets are an additional $59 in advance, $70 at the door.

  • Please print first and last name’s as they are to appear on the badge. PLEASE PRINT - Separate names using a comma.

    Gold Sponsor Package


    ($1911 Value SAVE $712)

    • Business Card all 6 issues Professional Florist mag. $150
    • Link on www.wumfa.org HOME page $600
    • Convention Booth $495
    • Full Page Convention Program Ad $300
    • 2 Extra Passes $198 (4 total)
    • Electricity in Booth $69
    • 2025 WUMFA membership $99

    Silver Sponsor Package


    ($1512 Value SAVE $513)

    • Business Card all 6 issues Professional Florist mag. $150
    • Link on www.wumfa.org SPONSOR page $300
    • Convention Booth $495
    • Full Page Convention Program Ad $300
    • 1 Extra Pass $99 (3 total)
    • Electricity in Booth $69
    • 2025 WUMFA membership $99

    Bronze Sponsor Package


    ($1044 Value SAVE $245)

    • Business Card all 6 issues Professional Florist mag. $150
    • Link on www.wumfa.org SPONSOR page $300
    • Convention Booth $495
    • 2025 WUMFA membership $99
    • 0 Extra Pass (0 total)
    • No Electricity in Booth
    • No 2024 WUMFA Membership
    • Last Line

    Please fill in the below spaces to proceed

    For the purpose of exhibiting and otherwise advertising the product lines listed on this contract. When choice is not available, you will be assigned to a booth location. For and in consideration of the lease, (firm name) hereby agrees to pay to the order of WUMFA, the sum of $ which covers sponsorship and or booth space rental for the entire period of the convention.
    See sponsorship package descriptions listed on page 1. The above firm agrees to have booth fully set up by 8:30am on Saturday, March 22, 2025.
    Furthermore, the firm will NOT remove, package, prepack or do any other form of dismantling in its booth(s) until after 2:30pm on Sunday, March 23, 2025. If booth is dismantled prior to this time, the firm will lose booth selection privileges for the next year.

  • $0.00