2015 Hall of Fame Award Winners
Designer Of The Year
Wholesaler of the Year
The award honors a company that has gone above and beyond in promoting the industry, public awareness of florals and botanicals, education of customers, and WUMFA.
Rojahn & Malaney, a family owned business founded in 1929, been active in many organizations including the Wholesale Florist and Florist Supplier Association, the Society of American Florists and the Wisconsin Floral Foundation. The company supports the industry by providing expertise and products to the WUMFA convention, classes and workshops, State Fair events, Art in Bloom and the Gateway Technical school and considers themselves a “resource and partner, providing inspiration, information and education” to their retail customers.
Young Person of the Year
The award, presented at the organization’s annual convention in Green Bay, is given to the member who has excelled in knowledge of the floral industry, displayed the ability and desire to spread the awareness of the importance of florals, and has shown capabilities in promoting the industry as a whole. The winner also must be knowledgeable in the use of social media, and be involved in volunteering time on committees, board seats, or at the WUMFA convention.
Melissa Maas is the owner of two retail flower shops. She donates time and products to chairing Teleflora’s Make Someone Smile project, and has served as secretary, vice president and now president of the Wisconsin and Upper Michigan Education Unit of Teleflora. She is a WUMFA director, and chair of the convention decorations committee.
Special Service Award
Kathleen Johnson was instrumental in getting the WUMFA certification program started and trained to be a certified WUMFA judge. She has served on the board as regional director and secretary, chaired the convention and the education committee.
As a member of WUMFA’s Academy of Designers, she encourages young florists to be involved in the association. In addition she works with garden clubs and is a board member and past president of the Central Wisconsin Cultural Center Designers. She often visits florists telling them” I think you would really get a lot out of being a member of WUMFA”.
National Services Award
Qualifications for the award include a desire to assist in the advancement of floristry or horticulture, being in tune with the latest trends and demands of retailers and consumers, and being nationally recognized for promotion, product development, educational promotion and/or design techniques.
Lee Sorenson grew up in the floral industry working in his family owned business Lincoln Wholesale Florist. He worked at Pajaro Valley Greenhouses and is currently account and operations manager for Design Master color tool, inc., Boulder, Colorado. He is past president of WF&FSA Young Executives, and donates his time and products to further the education of retail florists through shows, classes, programs and workshops. Outside of the floral industry, he is involved in voluntary work and sits on the board of Habitat for Humanity.
He is known for his positive attitude and eagerness to help others succeed.
Livetime Achievement Award
He initially was nominated for two different awards, Retailer of the Year, and Special Services. The nominations committee decided to create a new category that would encompass all aspects of Grogan’s career.
Dan Grogan has a lifetime of experience in the floral industry promoting the use of flowers and plants. He moved from delivery and designing to the ownership of Alfa Flower Shop at the age of 31. He has served on numerous WUMFA committees, served on the board, and helped with conventions, classes, workshops and assisting designers. He is known for being the auctioneer at WUMFA’s live auctions and was instrumental in helping to create and maintain the Milwaukee area delivery pool.
1152 Haslett Rd. - PO Box 67
Haslett, MI 48840
Phone: (517) 253-7730
Fax: (517) 575-0115